Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Go ahead, TRI it!

I went to St. George this past weekend to do the TRI course. Whew! I was signed up for the Sprint TRI... but after much debate with myself and "coach" probst - I have switched over to the beginner race. Yes, I have let myself down... but coach put it nicely, "You don't know what you are doing, you have never been in a race before, you are going to have all of these buff women stomping all over you." She is right. I am doing the beginner one now - which is still a TRI, and still exhausting.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shake it up

I'm trying to get back on the exercise habit. It's been a slow start... but I'm getting there. I'm a social exerciser. I like to talk and walk. Talk and run. Talk and play. Apparently I really like to talk more than exercise.

Yesterday I called a neighbor and we walked 3.2 miles around the neighborhood. It doesn't seen quite as far or hard when I am with someone. The hour passed quickly and I was actually sad to stop and pick up the kids from school. The beautiful 80 degree weather helps.

Today I tried to do some yoga. After 30 minutes I felt better, but was bored out of my mind.
So how is everyone else doing with their workout routines?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Being Active

I need to learn more from my mother. Today we were on the run from the park, to the Scarecrow Festival, to hiking the Homestead crater. It felt great to be out in the sunshine and walking around. I came home and ran my 3.2 mile loop. My mom is constantly on the go, never resting in the afternoon like I often do. I need to be more like that if I want to shed anymore lbs.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

down 5

I am officially down 5 pounds. I kissed the 140's goodbye!
Hello 130's!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

food = gas

Ok, so maybe it's just me.

Or perhaps its a family trait. (you know what I'm talking about, don't you)

But why is it that whenever I eat anything lately I get GAS. Seriously people, this is no joke. Its terrible. Even my kids call me out. The other day in the grocery store the boys came down the aisle, walked through my cloud and wham they were knocked to the floor. Ok, it wasn't quite that bad, but almost.

So anyone have some advice? Save the children, save my husband, save myself...

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I took this picture of my new "home gym." Thanks to my sister Robyn, I have a super nice bike to use in the triathelon. And thanks to Robby Maynard I have "progessively" added to the price tag of running a triathelon. This new stand allows me to ride the bike in the comfort of my own home. NO more freezing kids! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Need to lose

No I do not need to lose weight! I was in the dressing room of the temple putting on my temple dress and could not get it zipped up. What was I to do? Luckily I was with my sister-in-law that had a dress that was big on her and tight on me but I could zip it so we traded dresses for the day. HOW Embarrassing What to do next buy a bigger size or loss pounds.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Freezing Cold

Today I ran 3.2 miles (yes, I drove it to make sure)
With the boys bundled in their snowsuits  - we made it in less than one hour.... well it's a start for triathelon training.

I kept thinking the entire time - How did Robyn find the time to train for her triathelon last spring? This week we have been creative with the "dada" out of town.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Yesterday I was feeling skinny.

So I stepped up to the scale and weighed in. Not one pound less. Nada.
I don't know why I was feeling skinny. I haven't eaten less. In fact, in the last two weeks I've eaten more cookies, cakes, snacks, popcorn, candy and ice cream than I have all summer. Why is it when you are suppose to NOT be eating, its when you crave it the most.

Today while visiting the local zoo with my family the hubby made some comment about the Rhino Butt. We both laughed all day about feeling like Rhino Butts. How goes the skinny for you?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

water. can't get enough

I can't get enough water. ever.

I live in the desert, so water is scare. I marvel at the saguaro cactus and they system of holding water within their skin through a simple storage system. The desert life use the saguaro as water tanks, birds drill holes and drink from them. Insects and animals also find ways to seep from these water carriers.

I can't get enough water. I carry around my handy green water bottle where ever I go. The ice melts to quickly, so if I want it cold I need to drink it fast. Otherwise I get warm water, which is better for my body, but not my soul. I think we're suppose to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces, that makes 64 ounces of water. That's a lot of water.

A few months ago Dr. Oz made a comment on Oprah that you can tell if you are hydrated if you can read a newspaper through your pee, meaning your urine should be clear. If its dark, your not getting enough water. Gross I know, but a good easy test whether your hydrating enough during the day or not. If you find yourself thirsty your already dehydrated.

I drink at least 2 32 ounce water bottles a day and I'm still thirsty. I get up in the night looking for a glass of water. I recently heard that the water you drink while exercising doesn't count because its just replenishing the liquid you are sweating out. It was a 100 degrees this week in Arizona, I'm still sweating and it's October. That could be why I'm just can't get enough water.

One of the keys to weight loss is water. Replace your favorite soda with water and you're guaranteed to drop a few pounds. Drink a lot of water and you're body and digestive system will thank you.